For February’s Monthly Meetup, we have two keynote presentations, the first on a web-based BIM platform and the second on Building Energy Modelling (BEM) based on BIM.
Thomas Hächler will talk about:
- an open-source platform to manage BIM data including all aspects with a simple and powerful interface. Based on web technologies and for mobile usage, with built-in features such as flexible data, 3D viewer with dynamic styles, BCF, geometric and data checker
Cyril Waechter will talk about:
- BIMxBEM: Processing IfcRelSpaceBoundary to generate local standards boundaries for energy analysis (Switzerland currently). Despite numerous scientific projects, studies and articles on how to use BIM for building energy modeling (BEM) this topic is not solved for various reasons. This project aims at the following workflow for BEM. Retrieve building data from IFC. Process it accordingly to local standards. Send processed data to energy analysis software. Get feedback through IFC and/or BCF