Last year, we embarked on a journey Into the Speckleverse, where your groundbreaking ideas began to reshape the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) landscape. This year, we’re going even further.
Welcome to Beyond the Speckleverse: The AEC Innovation Odyssey, our second edition of the online global hackathon crafted for the dauntless, the innovators, and the perpetually curious within the AEC realm.
This new chapter promises to expand the horizons of what we achieved last time, opening up to an even wider audience of professional developers, computational designers, and every kind of innovator in between. Our themes are tailored to challenge your creativity and push the boundaries of the possible.
New to Hackathons? No problem! A Hackathon is an event where participants, in this case, developers, computational designers, and other AEC experts, come together to solve problems by developing innovative technology projects within a short timeframe. It starts with idea pitches and team formation, followed by intense project development. The event concludes with teams presenting their prototypes to judges for a chance to win prizes. Hackathons are excellent opportunities for newcomers to learn new skills, network, and experience rapid innovation and teamwork.
This Hackathon is virtual, meaning that people from all over the world can participate and collaborate online towards a joint submission (more details below).